Market Report: Dec. 2021 vs. Dec. 2022

Market Report: Dec. 2021 vs. Dec. 2022

  • 01/5/23
90 new listings
Down 12% from December 2021
98 sold
Down 32% from December 2021
23.8 MM Sales Volume
Down 29% from December 2021
$335,824 Sales Price
Up 2.5% from December 2021
There are a lot of rumors and opinions about the local housing market, but what are the facts? ⁠
Inventory remains very low. In fact, more homes were sold than were listed in Dec. 2022. ⁠
The number of sold properties and total sales volume are down from last year; however, the average sale price has increased.⁠
Statistics sourced from Carolina Smokies MLS

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